445107 (3539943) 3/16 & 5mm woc Widia Support blade This clamp is the conversion component to replace the 407113 (3539735) which is now obsolete from Widia 3 pieces are left then this is obsolete by 5/2020
This fits in the same tooholders as the 407-113 but has a slightly deper depth of cut.To use this, you must use 346107 3/16 & 5mm woc Widia Support blade (#3539659). This blade is the conversion component to replace the 308119 (3539377) which is now obsolete from Widia. The mating Support Blade which replaces the 308-119 is 346-107 (3539659), Stop 601137(3616760) Call us a 877-737-8665 (877-PDQ-TOOL) for replacement tooling.
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